The small business world is constantly changing. Furthermore, the internet is constantly growing. With loads of entrepreneur content floating around the web, we felt bringing you access to the best entrepreneur blogs would save you time, and definitely help you make more money.
1. Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss is an online business guru. He is best known for his book "The Four Hour Work Week." Though we don't believe that working four hours a week is the best way to use the gifts the Lord has bestowed upon us, we do endorse the idea of working more effectively with intentions to use that free time for God's glory. If you visit his blog, you will find all types of "life-hacks" guaranteed to help your small business prosper.
2. Pat Flynn
Only eight years ago, Pat Flynn was laid off from his job as an architect. In his time searching for a new job, he built a website that taught people how to pass a type of building inspection. Within months, the website was seeing thousands of visitors per day. Within a year, he launched a $20 e-book and saw sales of $7,000 in the first month of its release. Now, he helps aspiring entrepreneurs discover and monetize the value they have to offer.
3. Gary Vaynerchuck
Gary V builds businesses. After graduating college, he took over the family wine business and grew it from a $3 Million to $60 Million in just five years. Unlike many entrepreneur bloggers, Gary V preaches one key to success: hard work, then more hard work. He is a master of marketing and believes that all good things take time. Now, he's running his own digital agency so that we can learn his secrets.
4. Jay Baer
Founder of 5 multi-million dollar companies, Jay delivers content that is practical. After spending 22 years working with the United Nations, Nike, and Cisco, Jay now spends most of his time delivering keynotes on how to "Convince and Convert". Following his blog will give you the tools not only to help capture an audience, but also to truly see their needs be met.
5. Andy Stanley
His job title might say "Pastor of North Point Community Church" just outside Atlanta, but Stanley has positioned himself as a leadership guru. His podcast is constantly ranked within the top leadership podcasts and the content on his blog always gives valuable insights into how Christians can lead within the business world. A celebrated author as well, his books are definitely worth investigating.